Exhibits of Crimsen

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Thirty One
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Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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Exhibits of Crimsen
POSTED ON Jan 16, 2021 19:57:57 GMT
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[attr="class","displaytitle"]FIRE FLYS

A free space in the sky above the Orchard Volcanica just outside of Fortree City.[break][break]

A place where Ranton, Hiei and the rest of the fire capable flying-types, (or flight capable fire-types) are allowed some freedom and space to roam the limited skies above the forest encircled garden.[break][break]

The privilege of this space is limited to Sénon's highly trained and trustworthy pokémon that won't engage aggressively with each other or strangers.[break][break]


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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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Exhibits of Crimsen
POSTED ON Jan 17, 2021 0:52:42 GMT
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It was tricky business getting a PC access installed on a small piece of land with nothing on it but a garden and an Excadrill to tend to it.

He'd had to dig a trench were the power supply could be laid and reburied, all leading from a nearby generator, which he'd also had to write an essay's worth of registration and application forms to get the permission to have installed.

The only lucky break was that it stored power with ridiculous efficiency and Ranger Game had just over a dozen electric pokémon that could recharge it in an instant.

Lastly, and most controversial of all; he'd gotten a hold of a set weight-sensitive pressure plates. Connecting the plates to the PC access with some help from his pokémon he assembled what was essentially a landing pad for his pokémon that would recall them back to their pokéballs once they landed on the pad.

Thus allowing them the freedom to roam free until they grew tired (or were otherwise endangered) where the landing pad triggered the pressure plates acting the 'Return' mechanism on their pokêball being stored in the PC access.

It still required him to physically set them free to roam in the first place but once free, they would graze the forest of their own volition.

Wiping the sweat from him brow he watched the five of them fly and mingle in a way they never could before and suddenly he could feel what Cait felt watching her pokemon on her compound.

He understood the feeling of providing his pokémon a home of their own, where they could be happy, even if he wasn't there with them.

● tags: crimsen exhibit
● notes: -an automated pokéball return system-

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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POSTED ON Jan 18, 2021 7:12:51 GMT
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He was going to have to talk to someone about getting an expansion on his garden.

The orchard was becoming a place of peace, a area of afforded of awe. His fortress of solitude.

As much as he enjoyed Cait's Cabin (the Orchard wasn't very far from it) he hadn't yet gotten to the point where her space felt no different than his spaces. It was this place that give him the most reclusive feeling of all. The feeling that he was Dreadnaw or Blastoise tucked away in his own shell.

Too bad it was just small as all hell.

There wasn't enough room for the whole lot of his entire horde to be free and roam as they wished. The less trained and the more energetic ones would scatter off immediately. In fact he would have to spend most of his attention on Terawr () the one most likely to bite the others.

Until he had more space, or until his lot were better trained he could hang with them in small groupings at one time. For now he laid on his back, grounded, next to Volcarona/living pillow while the others, the "Night Flys" as he'd taken to calling them, danced in the skies above.

● tags: crimsen exhibit
● notes: -considering more space-

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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POSTED ON Jan 19, 2021 16:05:28 GMT
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With the "Fire Flys" busy enjoying the chance to stretch their collective wings their red-maned trainer/master/father sat the ground with a gathering of shellbacks.

It was good group; Wartortle, Dreadnaw, Turtonator, Turtwig and little Bergmite; while not exactly a "turtle" like the other it had much in common with them and deserved to have a little free time.

He watched them all move about slowly enough, the forest setting wasn't ideal for any of them but adversity bred adaptability. If they could learn to relax in non-ideal climates and ecosystems, they could thrive, or learn to thrive, almost anywhere.

Turtles being as old as they were, it was no surprise so many different variants existed since the days of the Tirtouga and Carracosta existed and thus, his belief that turtles as an animal design, were highly adaptable.

Turtwig nestled close side as he sat in the grass and the others gathered around.

Rather than testing their ability to survive where ever he put them they would be better served with finding a permanent place for them to roam.

Doing what Cait did and coming into a massive tract of land was starting to seem like the move to make.

● tags: crimsen exhibit
● notes: -time with the turtle troop-

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Exhibits of Crimsen
POSTED ON Jan 21, 2021 5:23:11 GMT
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As he harvested the berries he'd waited eight weeks to claim. Excadrill finally seemed to take a load off.

But rather than sleep under the day's sun like he normally did, he found his entertainment in playing with the younglings and watching his master carefully reap the plants he'd spent his nights happily cultivating.

Maintaining the water trenches, trimming the excess leaves, defending from intruder pokémon and humans alike Excadrill worked hard to ensure these tress bore fruit for his master. When he saw the redhead human carefully clip the finished fruit and store it in the same see-through boxes humans sometimes used to hold their foods, he knew he had done a good job.

Of course the petting and scratching from Sénon also told him he'd done a good job and the way the younglings all gathered around him to talk about the garden told him he'd done a good job.

Watching his human dig up the tree roots made him a little sad but he understood with the fruit taken, those trees wouldn't produce anymore fruit so it was time to turn the soil and plant new trees.

"Go ahead Exc, use your Rototiller." With a smile he was happy to show off his digging skills and turn over the soil for a better harvest. When he was done Sénon gave him the stalk of the Pasho berry tree to chew on; it tasted sweet!

When his master finished planting the new trees he sat on the ground next to Excadrill and together they watched the sun begin to set as he released the ones he called the "Fire Flys".

It was largely Excadrill's day to rest but he'd spent it playing and laughing with the little ones. Before he knew it, before the sun finished setting, he fell asleep too, carefully over Sénon's lap. The last words from his master echoing in his sleep. "Good work, Exc. I couldn't do this without you."

● tags: exhibits of crimsen
● notes: -excadrill's day off-

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Exhibits of Crimsen
POSTED ON Jan 22, 2021 5:41:29 GMT
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It had been a while since he prepared a meal for the pokémon outside of his monthly curry prep.

It took all but a moment to TELEPORT home grab his camping gear and return to the orchard to set up shop.

The Fire Flys landed every now and then at their leisure to watch him with relaxed eyes and empty stomachs. The Fire Flys occasionally landing to sniff out the camping pot as he cut the means and vegetables.

The sun was setting but he'd finish before dusk was done and he could feed the lot of them before going back to Cait's. It wasn't an extravagant adventure but home cooking and quality time did wonders for a pokémon's development.

Of all the pokémon, Tyrunt stuck by him the closest. "Smells good, I might have some myself this time."

● tags: crimsen exhibit
● notes: -curry for the kids-

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Exhibits of Crimsen
POSTED ON Jan 23, 2021 5:48:35 GMT
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As busy as he would be today he still had enough time to gather the fighting runts long enough for them to all have proper spar and stretch.

() () ()

Jūken, Dose, Chimchar and all traded blows in a three-way free for all while Tyrogue () and Croagunk () watched carefully. Putting two fingers in his mouth Sénon made a loud whistle and the trio stopped their free for all to take a break while Tyrogue and Croagunk worked as pair against Primeape who had been lazing on his side maintaining a sleep bubble.


Watching their fluid movements and how well they grew with each spar for a moment Sénon thought about the idea of making an action film with his fighting type pokémon as the main cast.

Everything from a gritty martial arts action flick to a more grounded samurai story or even a cloak and dagger shinobi drama. If done well he would have easily paid to see that kind of film so it was worth the thought to consider grabbing the helm and making them instead.

He let loose another whistle "Alright all of you; break." wondering if it was time to get an official camera or if he could properly shoot scene from his cell phone.

● tags: @crimsenexhibits
● notes: -poké fight club-

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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POSTED ON Jan 23, 2021 19:10:07 GMT
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It took time to develop a proper bond with flying-types.

As much as he adored Charmander and its evolutions there was something he found painfully relatable to Fletchling, Fletchinder and Talonflame.

After the loss of Fletchling to that living nightmare of darkness he still didn't have a name for, Crosshairs had been all he had.

"Twwt. Tttwwt." He called with a sound that fell somewhere between a whistle and a click.
From among the trees she landed; Crosshairs. ( )

Although she came to him in a trade, she took to his handling like a Tediursa to fish coated in honey. When he donned the helm and concealed his identity to move in secret and silence, Crosshairs was always by his side.

More than other pokémon in his PC, she was Crimsen's pokémon more than Sénon Game's.

Today saw the arrival of a stone slab, on it were raw cuts of meat the Fletchinder to cook and consume at her leisure.

Once she finished eating, she would be introduced her new mate, a recently caught male Fletchinder. After some time he would have to assess which of the two was closest to evolution and if Crosshairs was more useful to Crimsen as a Fletchinder or a Talonflame.

For now it was best they be introduced for bonding, but only after Crosshair's belly was full.

● tags: @crimsenexhibit
● notes: -adjusting crosshairs-

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Exhibits of Crimsen
POSTED ON Jan 25, 2021 5:57:08 GMT
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It felt like it like it had been ages since he'd spent any time with old Gan.

Kiri the Tirtouga came from a fossil he'd received long before he started his pokémon journey. Jakka (the first) was but a baby Charmander he received as his starter the day he began that journey. Gan was first pokémon he'd captured after beginning that journey.

The three of them formed his original trinity of pokémon he never went anywhere without.

These days Kiri was older but turtles were particularly long lived so she hadn't slowed down much. Jakka had passed away years back in the Cinnabar incident, his offspring Jakka Jr. taking his place and growing well enough.

That left Gan, an almost twenty year old Ditto who still smiled like he was only 20 minutes old.

Laying in the grass the Ranger used the Pokémon as his squished up pillow and Gan oldiged in the same way he did everything else; happily.

He never seemed to take on any other temperament but patient and happy, until he transformed into a different pokémon. Even now Sénon remembered how fierce he was as a Kingdra during the Three-Day War.

In truth he was happy to still have the little shapeshifter by his side. It brought him comfort like a childhood toy or stuffed animal he'd been socially allowed to keep with him well into manhood.

He knew one day old Gan would truly be old and unable to help as he did in their shared youth but what little the pokémon world knew and understood about ditto there was chance the little blob would outlive him and the rest of his teammates.

In truth, he wasn't sure which future pained him more; for Gan to be forced to go on without him, or him to be forced to live without Gan.

● tags: @crimsenexhibits
● notes: -old gan-

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Exhibits of Crimsen
POSTED ON Jan 26, 2021 5:54:01 GMT
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When it came to pokémon in his roster who did their duty and didn't make a fuss about it, Sirfetch'd was one of the top workers.

He was no stranger to being sent on odd jobs on Sénon behalf and he always acted and conducted himself with a poise and discipline. Considering how little training the Ranger had given the duck pokémon it was very much as if Sirfetch'd was just doing what came to him naturally.

For all his good faith and loyal service he deserved some special attention and some special training.

Getting down on his knees the redhead was about four feet tall, still twice the size of Sirfetch'd but on his knees his mobility was more clunky and his swordplay was more limited.

"Hajime!" At his go his lunged in with his shinai; a kendo stick of bamboo, terrible for cutting, perfect for smacking. Blocking his lunge and upswinging with his leek sword the Ranger rolled to the side before bringing the sword down in cross chop which the pokémon blocked not with his shield but with his sword.

Sparring between human and pokémon was more like a dance of synergy than an actual competition.

Both sought to test the boundaries of their own strength and the strength/skill of their opponent without hurting them. He could never tell if Sirfetch'd enjoyed the sparring as much as he did. He could only tell the bird's increased respect and devotion following one of their practice clashes.

● tags: @crimsenexhibit
● notes: -fowl finessing-

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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POSTED ON Jan 27, 2021 2:23:44 GMT
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The riolu was becoming quite competent at odd jobs done at his master's behest. Watching the human chase and block the little ones from roaming aimlessly and leaving their group Jūken got not only a clear example of what he was supposed to be doing, but also an example of how to do it.

In fact he spent a lot of time watching Sénon care for baby pokémon. He was even vaguely aware that he was technically one of the baby pokémon although he didn't much feel like one.

With his boundless energy he was able to run circles around the crawling toxel and slow-moving munchlax to keep them perfectly gathered. Whismur and Cleffa sat quietly in the center as did Larvesta, Snom and Caterpie. Oshawott and Piplup were trustworhy enough to roam around a little but Azurill, Pichu and Igglybuff were nothing but trouble.

Still, Jūken was skilled and matured enough to handle the lot of them while Sénon made food for them in the curry pot. If one of them seemed to wander away from the group he was there just in time to make a stern face and fighting pose and the baby pokémon would turn around to run back from where it came.

It wasn't the most efficient method of herding, running around the way he did. Yet, for a Riolu it was both effective for the job and damned good exercise. Not to mention it was good practice to read the aura of these emotional and infantile pokémon in big groups, group reading being something he seldom got the chance to do.

By the time Sénon finished, he was both tired and glad to have a break from looking after his younger brothers and sisters.

● tags: @crimsenexhibits
● notes: -juken wrangles the babies-

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Thirty One
November 13
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Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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POSTED ON May 16, 2022 7:10:43 GMT
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With all the breeding and egg cracking happening throughout the region it was thematically appropriate for the entire region to stop and smell the flowers.

Or in the case of Sénon Game, stop and listen to the birds chirp. -and at this point, he had a deep hell of a whole lot of them.

An eyrie of fire falcons eighteen deep; a tower of winged terrors eighteen tall.

For the moment, the crowning jewel of the lot of them was the Shadow Talonflame. An apex predator if there ever was one, its sharp stare at the ranger was always somewhere between a simmering rage and a precise disregard.

He would have taken it personally, but being around so many fletches he was well aware it probably glared at @ kyle the same way.

It didn't have long to do its glaring before
Chansey () threw an EGG BOMB at it, sensing its darkness and being protective over the younger pokémon of Sénon's flock.

● tags: Exhibit
● notes: Use egg bomb in a post

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Exhibits of Crimsen
POSTED ON May 29, 2022 8:46:15 GMT
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Through the jungle, among the trees,
a humanoid pokémon unleashed the beast.

With massive foot and muscle refined,
it made history, of its record times.

Kicking off trees to traverse with speed,
no vines; sure footing, is all it would need.

Not for glory, nor being the best,
it pressed on through woods to feel air on its chest.

Through Fortree's wilds it made up its mind,
to stop for a sip, at the first lake it'd find.

Its body was hot, and its tongue was coarse,
before its nose caught scent, of a water source.

Before a body of water with a 'THUD' it appeared,
only to be vexed, by what was near.

Smaller, thinner, though not at all frail,
a Zarude in the jungle, found an ape with no tail.

"Oh, its you." Game greeted his 'free range' pokémon with a nod; his prized companion from his placement during the Hoenn Star Tournament.

The Zarude seemingly warming up him as an authority figure; the head of the pack. "Come on, Cait's waiting back at the cabin."

● tags: Zarude's free range
● notes: mention H☆T in a post

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Exhibits of Crimsen
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2022 1:57:00 GMT
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Taking a moment to put a device around the fire/ghost's neck that looked like half-a-donut or a neck pillow. He activated it with the press of a button on his XTransceiver.

"Hanzo!" He raised his voice to keep the pokémon focused on him. Diligent and clever one of the pokémon's only faults was the ease at which he could relax.

With this move added to his repertoire that quirk could be easily mitigated. After several minutes the device rumbled and vibrated for several times then shut down signaling that he could remove it safely. "How do you feel?"

Hanzo learned LASER FOCUS!

Without emoting much the Typlosion stretched itself out long before the Ranger and closed its eyes peacefully.

Although its ears told the tale; he was still very awake...

-and very much aware.

● tags: exhibit
● notes: Teach a normal-type move

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Exhibits of Crimsen
POSTED ON Aug 29, 2022 3:28:40 GMT
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Hanzo slept a warm and full dream, he dreamed of aspear berries and apples.


Senon, who hadn't slept in days hopped the ledge the to cabin rather than descend the steps.

He was mobile, and given the way he barked at Hanzo not to follow him,
"Stay!Hanzo." he was up to no good.

Even a typlosion could frown if it had enough of a reason and watching the tense back and shoulders of his master (and emotional dependent) go trooping off into the night was more than enough of a reason to twist its mouth-curl in a downward tip.

He'd walked this path so many times by now, he didn't need daylight to do it. It was precise positioning to find a place close enough to the cabin that he could get back fast in an emergency (or be found fast in an emergency) and yet also be far enough away that no one at the cabin could hear him.

Which was good because with his sparring partner being in the throws summer fury, things were going to get wild.

● tags: exhibit
● notes: Senon spars primeape,
senon shuns hanzo

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